Thursday, December 18, 2014

What are super foods?

Super foods are nutrient-rich foods considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. The question is do we consume super foods on a daily basis. Most of us may not know about the benefits of these super foods. I will list five super foods for you today and their benefits.

1. Berries - a great source of fiber and it's healthy for our Digestive system. According to studies fiber may help with promoting weight lost. Some berries such as strawberries contains a full day's recommended dose of vitamin C.

2. Eggs - Great source of protein. Egg yolks contain lutein and zeaxanthin antioxidants that helps keep your eyes healthy.

3. Beans - A great source of of iron. Iron is a mineral that transports oxygen from your lungs to the cells in your body.

4. Nuts - Every kind of nut provides the body with much needed minerals. For example, Walnuts contains high levels omega-3 fatty acid that's been linked to heart health. Studies showed that people who ate nuts as a regular part of their diet added on two years to their lives.

5. Oranges - Of course we know this is the quickest way to get our daily source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is critical for producing white blood cells and antibodies that fight off infections.

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